Wow a month has flown by! Here are some of the many pics of our gorgeous little man....
Moments after birth, he didn't have a name yet. We pulled the blue knitted hat from our bag (packed away the pink one) & revelled in our son's arrival. Weighing 3320g, 51cm long & a 35cm head circumference. This pic is through the plastic of his bassinet - my view from the bed, as he looks out at his mum & dad.
After a hard nights work, I'm far too excited to rest. Yang & I decided to try out the name Xavier on our bub, one of the three or so boy names we'd had in mind. We used it for the rest of the day, surveyed what the grandparents thought & by Friday afternoon we were sure of it.
Hours old & he's subjected to his first test...the newborn hearing screen. He passed on the right but the left had to be rechecked a few days later as there was a bit too much fluid in his ear from birth.
A proud dad, love this pic....
Our little family
Xavier's name was one I'd liked since a teen & was going to St Francis Xavier Church with my family in Cairns. His middle name, Christian, is a blended name honouring his grandfathers, Christopher & Yuntian. This photo is a few days from birth, he slept so well during this time...
Jaundice had set in by day 4 & Xavier needed to have 36 hours of phototherapy. Even now these pics bring tears to my eyes. He had to wear a nappy only & have the bili-band eye protection on, at times he wasn't very comfortable.
Thankfully the phototherapy was mobile & he stayed in our room for most of the time he needed it.
On the fifth day we gave him a bath, & then Xavier was weighed just prior to going home...3100g, we had some work to do to put back on his birth weight over the next 1-2 weeks.
The first time in the capsule, all ready for the car ride home with two very nervous but excited parents.